Lee Nelson and the Best-Before Fairy

It is said that your fate is out of your hands
That nothing you do will change the stars’ plans
But people who say that never met Lee Nelson,
A boy who, one evening, learned an unusual lesson

He was eating dessert, some Peanut Butter Ice Cream
Just one bowl before bed, to sweeten his dreams
When he noticed on the carton there was printed a date
His ice cream would expire on June 28!

“That’s tomorrow!” Lee exclaimed; he had completely forgotten
If he didn’t eat this now, it soon would be rotten!
Lee dashed to the freezer, and saw to his dismay
That ALL of his ice cream would expire the next day

He glanced at the clock, he had less than an hour
Till twelve in the morning before the ice cream went sour
“I must eat it all, before tomorrow becomes today!
What a waste if I have to throw my ice cream away!”

So Lee began eating, and eating and eating
Emptying his bowl, then rinsing repeating
He ate twenty-six bowls of delicious ice cream:
Bubble-Gum and Cheesecake and Cinnamon Supreme

Raspberry Ripple and Party Pistachio
Grape-Soda Splash and Caramel Crunch Cookie Dough
But he still wasn’t finished when the clock struck midnight
And at the sound of the cuckoo, Lee froze, mid-bite

He looked down at his bowl, his ice cream seemed fine
Had nothing really changed even after the deadline?
He was just on the verge of trying another bite
When he heard a sharp voice, quite loud and impolite:

“Watch it, you stinker, didn’t you READ the expiration date?
No more Mint Chocolate SPOIL Chip! Hee hee! It’s too late!”
There at the table, sneering meanly at Lee,
Was perched a rotten-smelling, little green pixie

“I’m the Best-Before Fairy, and I’m here to spoil your day!
It’s my happy job to make expired food decay!”
Saying this, she pointed at Lee’s bowl with her wand
The ice cream turned sour, and mold suddenly spawned

“This is madness, sir!” poor Lee Nelson screamed,
“Haven’t you ever experienced a bowl of ice cream?
Here, I’ll share some with you, if you won’t make it spoil”
He scooped some Vanilla Bean, his hands shaking in turmoil

The pixie observed the ice cream with suspicion
But nevertheless accepted Lee’s quick proposition
“Amazing!” she cried, with real tears in her eyes
“This strange-smelling ice cream is a scrumptious surprise!”

“Have some more,” offered Lee, “Peanut Butter’s the best
And please don’t let it expire -- it’s my only request”
The Best-Before Fairy agreed to his scheme
And together they finished another bowl of ice cream

And that’s how Lee Nelson decided his fate
The day he defied that dratted expiration date


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