The Culling of the Impostor

And what a betrayal!
The final enemy in this great quest
stands before me and she is naked.
She needs no armor.
And I, a fool in all my pageantry—
my weapons,
hooked and packed upon my body like useless fringe—
came all this way for a fight that
I had believed
would justify my righteousness.

My valiant comrades have assembled behind me.
They whisper their shock
and anguish amongst themselves.
To my shame, they, too
have recognized this bizarre apparition
who gazes 
at our collected fellowship
and smiles with wicked comedy.

Some distance beyond her: our destination,
that coveted purpose,
which she has barricaded
as effortlessly as the thin veil of death
partitions the thresholds of realms.
Our goal is yet further away than it has ever been.

My enemy
gently opens her arms,
in summons.
So I take a step, and another.
I do it because:
she is me,
and I love her.

My gallant company is quite familiar
with this distinguished criminal.
Neither they, nor a thousand more in their likeness,
could vanquish her.
So they gather up their drums and their heraldry.
They turn away
and begin to shrink
into the trailing mists.

I take no notice. 
Wrapped in my enemy’s arms,
my heart starts to flutter,
and I and I—
I have one last chance!
One last chance, before my
purpose — my destiny! — evaporates before my very eyes!

My chance is beating, unsteadily,
beneath our chest.
I grasp my dagger, sheathed and ready at my waist.
Will I survive this culling of the Impostor?
Oh! to kill her painlessly! 
pass through the distant gates and achieve my greatest ambitions!

Her soft fingers twist through my hair
and her eyes,
tell a familiar story.
I cannot live without her.
So I turn my face into her chest
and I, swaddled,
drift off to sleep.

My great armies, once again,
by the naked fear that eclipses
my trembling heart.


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